--Hetalia World Roleplay.

An Axis Powers Hetalia based Roleplaying Forum and Community.
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--Hetalia World Roleplay.

--Hetalia World Roleplay. - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

  • Along with the above rules, these additional rules are included.

  • 0. Axis Powers Hetalia is about the entire world, so obviously, other languages will be involved. But this is a primarily English-language board, so if requested, please provide translations of what you post. [In OOC boards you absolutely MUST provide translations, however, as everyone wants to know about what you have to share.]

  • 1. Be nice; speak politely and respectfully to one another. [That includes you two, America and Russia!]
  • - If the roleplay calls for it, you are permitted to be "mean", if you must. Keep that for roleplays ONLY, however. Be conscious of when you are crossing the line.

  • 2. Read all the rules pertaining to each and every board, and for the overall website. You may be warned if you keep ignoring or breaking rules, so it is in your best interest to do so.

  • 3. When roleplaying, please be as in character as possible; unless you are in the out-of-character [OOC] boards [the General and RPSet-up boards.] All-in-all, keep chatspeak, 13375p34k, txt tlk, etc. out of any of any of the boards, and try your best at using proper spelling and grammar.

  • 4. If your country does not happen to be a created Hetalia character yet, you are you allowed to create it: but please, contact us first, have it not be a "Mary-Sue", have put effort put into it, and have it reflect your country well. If you wish to borrow another's OC, please contact the owner and ask for express permission beforehand.
  • - Non-nation original characters are NOT allowed. [This does not include micronations, however.]
  • - If you are found to be ripping off another's character without permission, we have the right to strip you of your right to roleplay as this character//permanently.
  • - We reserve the right to deny your request, and without reason. Though, we will most likely provide one.

  • 5. There is a private roleplay area for those who wish to partake in a more explict roleplay.
  • - However, this is a PUBLIC forum, so please keep it to a minimum.
  • - If we find a roleplay going too far, we have the right to mark it as an R-18 roleplay, or close it entirely and ask you to continue on through Private Message [PM].

  • 6. Please do not "chat" in a roleplay, only short notices indicated by brackets, parentheses, slashes, or otherwise made obvious are acceptable. [E.g.: //I have to go, brb.//] Either use the chatroom [if there is no miniature roleplay going on] or the other general discussion boards for longer or completely irrelevant discussions.

  • 7. It would be optimal if you roleplay as the country you are from//residing in, [as this is the point of the board,] but if you are not interested in said character [or it is already taken], you may contact us about selecting another character. [hetalia.world.forums@gmail.com] We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please, PLEASE check to see if the character is taken yet by checking the "Memberlist".

  • 8. All comments, and suggestions, for the improvement of this site and community are welcome and encouraged.

  • 9. If you have any important or interesting historical facts to contribute, please feel free. We will collect them into one big reference post for future use!

  • 10. Do not forget to edit your profile as if you were the CHARACTER, and not as yourself. Also, select an avatar//picture of the humanoid version or flag of your chosen country. Please ask for permission from the owner before you take another's creation, however.
  • - We have the right to ask you to take down a picture if for any reason.
  • - Please try to keep your own preferred pairings out of any of your profile//avatar, and keep it as your own character-centric as possible.
  • [Mentioning other characters is alright, though, if it is canon.]

  • 11. Chibitalia, Holy Roman Empire, and the other chibi!nations are considered separate entities, you can also consider this an option if your country of residence is taken. However, again, as chibis are indications of age, you have to keep that in mind. [For example, England, America, Canada are not allow to all be chibis in the same roleplay.]
  • -- This can be disregarded if it is an Alternate Universe [AU] story, or if the roleplay calls for it. [For example, Britannia Angel!England turing South Korea into a chibi.]

  • 12. Let's try and make roleplays as history-based as possible! This is an anime//manga about world history, after all.

  • 13. Please register with your country name, nickname, or an identifying property, as the username. We need some form of clarification, as to know which characters are taken or not. It makes it easier for all members to be able to identify you.

  • 14. Of course, you have to have fun and enjoy yourself. :] That's the whole purpose of roleplaying!

  • Now, if you agree to each of these rules, you are good to go! 8D Rules are subject to change at any time, however. Please keep that in mind.